OK so its been nearly 3 weeks since I posted, and a month since a real post, since I cheated on the last one and posted Alli's story. I blame Facebook, as it has been stealing all my creative juices as I racked up over 60 long lost friends in less than 2 weeks since I joined. And the 2 other bloggers I monitor are on FB too- right Suzie and Jenn? It's amazing how often people are on there just putting out random thoughts...wait, isn't that what I'm doing here?
Only difference is I don't have 60+ people seeing it when I write it and commenting. I haven't told too many people about this blog, it's still kind of a random assortment of thoughts and I don't know what to think about it.
Let's see, a lot has happened since I posted last...I got a promotion, and my old boss isn't speaking to me anymore. I'll be moving into her office in about two weeks when she moves down to the accounting suite. She still gets a corner office, just not quite as big as what she's in now. I'm not sure what her deal is- she must think I'm gunning for her or something, and it's not that at all- the city manager approached me about taking on a bigger role in the organization in January, and asked me to draw up a plan for breaking my area away from her department and taking on some additional responsibilities. So I did, and now I'm a director and have my own department and somehow I ended up with her secretary and I taught SL101 last night in her place. No reason for her to hold a grudge against me...no really, I am being as nice as I can be in the situation.
Fortunately I am not a glutton for punishment and I won't play petty games. So pout away, just don't pull me into it! Don't think that everyone can't see what is going on...it will be nice to have the suite tension free in a couple of weeks. We're getting new neighbors- emergency mgmt is moving over from fire admin and they will be a breath of fresh air (for a while at least).
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7 years ago