Thursday, October 9, 2008

Something about Me

Since this is my first post I will make it short- I don't know what I'll be talking about but I imagine as I move on through this a general theme will emerge.
Mainly I wanted to be able to share our story and update my extended family across the country on events that are happening in our lives- like my Alli growing up on us. She is almost 13 years old and I am amazed how much she changes every day. Here she is warming up for her first Jr High volleyball game!

I am amazed at how many people are interested in my story when I tell them that I am adopted and have reunited with my birth family. There are more people in this world touched by adoption than you realize. For 34 years my birth mom told only one person of my existence, that is until I found her. I looked off and on for about 13 years before I finally had enough information and the guts to make the call that ultimately led me to finding her.

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