Saturday, January 10, 2009

Random Thoughts

OK I chose this picture for today, 'cuz how often do you see a 50 year old man with a purple trimmed hat on? This was from Bill's birthday last year and I just found the photos on the computer this week. Kind of scary the things you'll do after a little encouragement from your friends & family!

SO things are coming together here, volleyball practice this week, things are gearing back up at work, and I'm having the most exciting surgery on Monday. I've decided to make up for what God didn't give me. Those who have seen me know that I am not well endowed. After meeting my birthmom and her family I know that I had no chance at's just not fair when your 13 year old is bigger than you are! Bill and I finally decided that it was time I did something for me. I'm not going anything huge, just enough to give me some curves! With my frame I can handle it and not look too awkward. Everyone I've told has been incredibly supportive and excited for me. We'll see how I feel in another few days.

I've stocked up on easy to eat snacks, comfy button up pj's and shirts, books and movies. Frozen pizza that Alli can fix us for dinner...prescriptions filled, laundry is being done and house actually got cleaned today with more than just my efforts! That was the shocker. No one ever helps me clean, but Bill & Alli just pitched in when I asked them to. Believe it or not you can actually see our kitchen table, and that is rare. Everything seems to pile up there as its the first thing we see when we walk in from the garage. Knowing that I won't be up to cleaning for several weeks it makes me really want to be sure everything is in order before Monday. Tomorrow I'll finish laundry, wash our sheets dust the house and mop the floors. Planning to make a vegetable beef soup that we can eat on for the rest of the week. Running errands took up a lot of time today. I relate all of this to the nesting instincts that many women get in the weeks just before going into labor. (I never made it that far, Alli came 3 weeks before her due date!) Bill is actually out of town for the whole week, so my mom is taking me to the surgery and staying with us the first night. Lucky for Alli she may actually get a dinner cooked for her that night.

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